The result is a bunch of SVG files numbered progressively (e.g saved0.svg,saved1.svg....,saved45.svg).
I renamed the first 10 files saved0.svg to saved9.svg to saved00.svg..saved09.svg to avoid problems when merging all pages together. I moved all in a folder and applied this little bash script:
paste it in new file give it execution permission ( chmod 755 filename)
I dropped the script in the same folder but you can put in /usr/bin to have it always ready ..
The script simply check all files on the folder, verify if they are svg files and attempt comversion to pdf.
The result should be a bunch of pdf files numbered progressively (e.g saved0.pdf,saved1.pdf....,saved45.pdf).
Now with pdftk we can join all single pdf pages lying in the folder in one single file (You need an ordered sequence of files to do it).
pdftk *.pdf cat output FILE.pdf
That's all
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